Monday, July 2, 2007

Week 4, Thing 9

Merlin was interesting, especially the training calendar, it will come in handy when CEU deadlines are looming. I didn't care for the animated talking head on the main page, she was a little weird and kept staring at me.

I signed up for some rss feeds, though I am still not the impressed with bloglines, I guess it will have to grow on me. One that I like is "Tales from the Liberry", very funny, we've all had patrons like this.

I checked out the Yahoo! avatars and created one for me, if you have been reading my blog you will know why I am planning on wearing something very similar to the boardwalk when I go on vacation next year.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you in chaps! Very nice. They will go nicely with the buxom bimbo!

Handsome Craig said...

I haven't decided whether to wear jeans or a thong under the chaps?

Anonymous said...

A thong, definetely!