Went to a basket bingo on Saturday night, my second in a month, except the police were not involved in this one (no further comment as I don't want to incriminate myself). I didn't win one god damned basket! But I did win 2 door prizes, a $10 gird card to a local restaurant and a gift bag of Teletubbies merchandise (who knew they were still popular) and for the record La La is my favorite Teletubbie.

La La wearing his best Tutu
Here are some of my other observations from the bingo:
- The basket walkers were really annoying...ti was a couple of middle schools girls and they were racing around with the baskets like they would get a prize for walking around the room the fastest. I was hoping one of them would fall down just to make the night interesting
- Going to bingo, it is not like going to the prom. Someone was actually wearing a prom dress, and she looked like a ho...a ho for sho...plus VPL...come on what were you thinking?
- Tattoos on women are fantastic...but lose the Chuck Taylor All-Stars, wear something that will compliment them, unless you are actually going for the skanky look.
Now playing: Brooks, Meredith - Bitch
via FoxyTunes
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