Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Running Again

I have started adding a bit of running to my exercise routine again. If you recall I had some problems with my left foot, not the movie My Left Foot, but my actual foot. After I began running back in May I started have lots of pain in my foot, well after several months of just walking I have finally started running again. Just for a few minutes here and there during my daily walks, and I feel great while I am running. I wasn't planning on running last night on my walk but half way through it started to rain so that helped make up my mind (I still got drenched though). Hopefully I will be running full time (30-45 minutes a day) in the next few months.

"I always loved was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs." - Jesse Owens

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