Thursday, June 14, 2007

It's a conspiracy I say

My "warped" friend Christine recently posted on her blog, that she watches very little television. I find this both amazing and frightening, those of you who know me know that I watch entirely way too much television. I figure that I am just getting my monies worth, what with the cost of cable TV these days.

Then it hit me! There is a vast conspiracy against me! The conspirators include my wife, my doctor, CCPL and the Maryland State Department of Education. You all thought you were so clever but I have figured it all out. Everyone wants me to stop watching so much television.

Here is my theory: My wife Jacie (pronounced Jackie) is the ring leader of course, always plotting, she is. She is the one who coerced me into going to the doctor (I'm glad she did), and my doctor told me to start exercising. Which, of course, is a way to get me away from the TV. But, alas , there efforts were not as far reaching as they would hope, as I was able to fit exercise easily into my television schedule.

Now the plot gets more insidious as my wife and doctor included both CCPL and MSDE into their evil plans...and created...the 23 things! By creating 23 things everyone knew that I would get addicted to my blog, and by blogging at least I was being somewhat productive, and not sitting in front of the television. Well I am on to you. Very, very cunning.

Either that or I am crazy.


Anonymous said...

I think you left the aliens out of the conspiracy theory. Really, I'm sad to say that in many ways I feel the computer is just as bad as the TV - you've just traded one screen for another. However, I think that all women are tricky in some way and I love that you already believe that your wife is rounding up a posse against you!

Meanwhile, my lack of tv watching is because I have no life!!! Work, kids, kids activities, work, clean, kids, feed people in my house, pretend I have life when I go out to a game night with my friends... pathetic! I'm going back to my old haunts and get drunk as soon as I've fed the kids and get them to bed.

ChristinaK said...

Here are some interesting arrangements that could work for you. If you watch tv shows online (like from ABC), just get two monitors. You can watch tv on one and blog on the other. Otherwise, just have a tv and a computer in the same room. Same effect. Also, if you exercise at 6 AM, all that you'll find on tv are news shows and paid programming. You miss nothing. :)