Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Update and what not

Well it has been a while since my last update. I have not given up on running yet but my feet might have. After about two weeks of running I developed horrible pain in my left foot and would hardly be able to walk in the morning. Turns out I have developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot, so I have had to go back to walking 5 days a week at least for the next few weeks.

I am still losing weight...slowly, 30 pounds for far and my blood pressure is normal (at least something about me is normal).

I will begin to post my 23 Things shortly see please stand by...

1 comment:

ChristinaK said...

30 pounds?! Get out! You completely rock! I am really impressed. I've been trying to drop a few myself and now I'm up to 20 pounds lost. Keep us updated on your progress!